Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common female endocrine disorders. PCOS is a complex, heterogeneous disorder of uncertain aetiology, but there is strong evidence that it can to a large degree be classified as a genetic disease.[1]
PCOS produces symptoms in approximately 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age (12–45 years old) and is thought to be one of the leading causes of female subfertility.[2][3][4]
The principal features are anovulation, resulting in irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, ovulation-related infertility, and polycystic ovaries; excessive amounts or effects of androgenic(masculinizing) hormones, resulting in acne and hirsutism; and insulin resistance, often associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol levels. The symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly among affected women.
let me tell you... dulu waktu di bandung saya sudah pernah dibilang PCO dan saya yakin sama dokter yang bilang saya PCO, dah gitu sampe di Jakarta, entah karena peralatan rs nya yang jelek atau dokternya yang kurang canggih... jadi nggak ketahuan... nah...
sekarang dah ketahuan tuh..
kalau baca definisi PCO dari wikipedia saya jadi sedih...
DARIPADA sedih.. sekarang saya jelaskan lagi rencana selanjutnya.. seperti disebutkan diatas, PCO itu bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai hal: type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity dll... nah.. untuk ngeliat itu semua saya harus tes darah.. yang lebih bagus jika dilakukan pada saat mesntruasi antara hari ke 3-5. Jadi saya AGAIN minum Provera 10 hari.. terus akan mens, trus cek darah deh..
baru minum provera hari kedua, saya sudah sangaat nafsu makan. Kemarin di rumah mertua makan tekwan, nambah 4x. hehehe
*tepok jidat*
well... doakan saya!!
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